Many parents like to buy plush toys for their children. Plush toys are also one of the children’s favorite toys. They are also decorative items in the interior and in the car. However, plush toys also have undefined, viruses, and even formaldehyde pollution. It will cause harm to the healthy growth of children. How should formaldehyde be removed at this time?
The formaldehyde in the plush toys mainly comes from the textiles on the surface of the toys. Some textiles add formaldehyde, finishing agents, fixing agents, waterproofing agents, softeners, adhesives, and other additives. In addition, the black core filling materials that are not used by the manufacturers may also contain harmful substances such as formaldehyde.
The pollution hazards of plush toys are mainly reflected in the following three aspects:
1. Because the plush toy is a textile toy that children directly touch the skin, the surface of the plush is easy to hide dust, undefined and formaldehyde. It can cause children’s allergy symptoms and harmful health in children’s play and contact. The undefined prevalent case is that children are diarrhea and lung infections.
2. In addition, because some toys are unclean, multiple children are also prone to cross-infection. In particular, some “three no products” plush toys are made of black heart cotton, and these fillers contain harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde. When they are in contact with children, they are easy to make children cry and erythema. Inducing skin diseases or other infectious diseases.
3. Because formaldehyde can cause strong irritation to human respiratory tract and skin diseases, it may cause respiratory inflammation and dermatitis. In addition, formaldehyde is a strong irritant to the skin and an initiator of various allergies. Formaldehyde-containing plush toys will release some of the free formaldehyde during children’s play, causing damage to children’s health.
Here’s how to determine if a plush toy has formaldehyde contamination and how to remove formaldehyde:
1. When parents buy plush toys for children, they can open the package and smell whether they have strong irritating odor and glare. Regularly qualified toys should have no special odor. If you find odor, try not to buy them.
2. When buying a plush toy, check the inner filling material of the toy and check whether the internal filling is waste material and contains unsanitary debris.
3. Try to buy easy to clean plush and fabric toys, after purchase, you should go home to clean once and then play with the children, regular cleaning and cleaning of plush toys.