We will purchase the full shipping insurance for your order. We strongly recommend that all customers carefully check whether the parcel has been damaged or has been smothered by others before receiving the goods or signing them.
When will your order be sent?
For orders shipped to locations, we will list the expected delivery dates in the product details for each product. We estimate the date of arrival for each product by estimating the approximate number of days required to process, package, and ship the goods you ordered.
- If you order goods before the deadline of normal business days (Monday to Friday), your order will be processed on that day.
- If you order goods on holidays, Saturdays or Sundays, or after the deadline for normal business days, your order will begin processing on the next business day.
For international orders, we will inform you of the estimated delivery date. The actual delivery date may vary depending on the shipping time and customs clearance. The specific shipping date can be found on the China shipping website or contact sales@plushtoymanufacturers.com.
Shipping to another address
If you can’t leave your home at the time of delivery, we can ship your goods to your workplace or another location that is more convenient for you to receive. If you are unable to sign, or if you want someone else to sign for it, you can request that the goods be shipped to a local pick-up point so that you can sign and pick up the goods at your convenience. To arrange to pick up, please contact sales@plushtoymanufacturers.com.
More info
For more information on returns, please read our return policy.